Physical education

This week, I stood in front of the Board of Education to support our incredible PE teachers and defend our children's best interests. ⁠

This is what I said.⁠

Physical education is a critical period of the school day that should always be on the schedule and should never be on the chopping block.⁠

Good Evening. My name is Courtney Gault. I am a GPS parent to a kindergartener and a former teacher specializing in early childhood general and special education.⁠

After moving to Riverside in 2017, I founded Greenwich Play, a company that designs playrooms for families who want to create meaningful play experiences for their children at home.⁠

And a huge part of what we do is make recommendations to families who are eager, almost desperate, to offer their children more physical play opportunities. Not less.⁠

Did you know that when a child climbs up a rope or throws a ball, they are working on improving their handwriting grip and overall coordination?⁠

PE is not about freeze tag, ghost bowling, or any of the other fun activities our incredible teachers facilitate.⁠

PE is about:⁠
• problem-solving ⁠
• learning to focus ⁠
• testing out how things work ⁠
⁠• learning independence⁠
• enhancing communication skills⁠
⁠• resolving conflicts⁠
⁠• being cooperative⁠
• exercising self-regulation⁠
• interacting appropriately with peers⁠
• learning to be flexible⁠
• communicate feelings⁠
• acknowledging personal space⁠
• building friendships⁠
• learning to use equipment⁠
⁠• building confidence⁠

PE is on the chopping block because it’s seen as less essential to academic success, but the evidence and the research suggest otherwise. ⁠

As an educational professional, you can see why it’s so difficult for me to understand how you could reduce the amount of time our children spend in this critical period.⁠

I implore you to reconsider where budget cuts are made and give PE the credit it deserves to remain a vital, constant part of the school day.⁠

Thank You.⁠

⁠*The board voted against reducing the PE budget in a vote of 4-3-1. This means three board members voted to reduce time in PE. We must do better for our children.⁠


hands-on play


the parent-child bond