love thy label
Every family and every home is unique, but there is always a consistent goal: for children to play in their own space with their own materials, in a purposeful way. So, how do you achieve this?
Playroom organization is the key. If your child’s space is organized in a way that they understand, you are eliminating frustrations before they have a chance to surface.
Your playroom organization is only as good as your labels (yes, you need labels!). Labeling in a way your child can understand provides them with opportunities to work on their problem-solving skills. They also get to practice sorting and classifying and learn to be responsible for their belongings.
When you label in a way your child can understand, they will be able to clean up purposefully, which will also exercise fine and gross motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Their little fingers will work to pick up tiny objects, and they will use their bodies to reach and lift to put away toys where they belong.
Appropriate labels open up the playroom to a world of possibilities and provide your child with numerous opportunities to develop critical early childhood skills. It's why all of our playroom projects come with custom labels - they are an essential part of keeping the playroom purposeful.