educated, methodical, experienced

When designing a play space for a child, we strongly believe we offer what other interior designers cannot (even the best). ⁠

Our approach to the play space is educated, methodical, and experienced.⁠
We understand child development and how children play.⁠⁠
We appreciate how children best grow, learn, and overcome challenges.⁠⁠
We know the rapid pace at which children’s interests change.⁠
We consider the long-term use of the space.⁠⁠
We understand that efficient storage for children can be used independently of adults.⁠⁠
We only use family-friendly, safe, and functional materials.⁠⁠

We appreciate how a child interacts with their environment. ⁠
We have spent 1000s of hours teaching and playing with children.⁠
⁠⁠While we adore so many spaces from various interior designers, we know the level of expertise we bring to the playroom cannot be matched. ⁠


the dead end


environment impacts performance