clean up time

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The other day a friend was over with her two boys, who are the exact same age as mine. When I exclaimed, “Clean up, let’s have a snack,” she just laughed.

“My boys don’t know how to clean up.”

To which I replied, “Well do they know where things go?”

After a long pause, she said, “Actually, no.”

Here are three simple ways to help your child keep their playroom organized (and clean):

1. Give them a tour of the space: Where do things go and why do they go there? Explain! For example, "The play food bin is right next to the kitchen, so you can easily cook yummy food!"⁠ ⁠When you demonstrate how to keep the space organized, your child has a clear model of the behavior that's expected of them.

2. Use labels they will understand: Can your child read? If not, the bin that says "Blocks" means nothing to them! Use pictures, custom labels, or symbols to help them locate the correct spot for their materials.⁠ All of our playroom projects come with custom labels because they are such an essential part of keeping the playroom the way we intend it to be.

3. Toss miscellaneous parts: Set your child up for success by eliminating items with no real home. If you see a random piece amongst the rest of your toys, remove it! Everything in the space should have a purpose. If it doesn't, toss it in the garbage or a "loose parts" bin.⁠

The ultimate goal is to support your child’s play through intentional organization. Doing so will help them to:
remain focused
play independently
plan their play efficiently
effectively problem solve
…and they may even clean up after themselves!


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play based learning