arts + crafts play

It was recently brought to my attention that I rarely talk about the arts and crafts area of the play space. That is likely because it's my least favorite zone in the room.⁠ There, I said it.⁠

It's messy, has so many different materials, and is riddled with open-ended activities. Did I mention it can be messy? The truth is that arts and crafts play a critical role in a child's development, offering more than just a fun activity.⁠

Arts and crafts play an integral role in fostering creativity and self-expression, allowing children to explore and communicate their ideas and feelings in a tangible form. It also helps develop fine motor skills and enhances critical thinking. ⁠

But arts and crafts can be messy - even chaotic - and that type of play can be overwhelming for children (and their parents!). ⁠There are a few things you can do to help keep things under control:⁠

• Label, label, label, and use one your child will understand.⁠

• Make sure the floor is a wipable surface.⁠

• Pick a location where the chaos can be contained, as close to running water as possible.⁠

If you are tired of finding glitter on your cereal box, glue on your remote, and mysterious lines on your walls, consider creating a designated arts and crafts area in your play space with these simple tips in mind.⁠


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